Top Books on Evangelism
Recently our staff made a list of the books that had impacted us in the area of evangelism and church growth. When we compiled our lists we had dozens of books to choose from and from those books we selected the “Top 10” leadership/evangelism/church growth books.
You will notice that not all of the books are on evangelism and church growth. Some are on leadership. We felt as a staff that as a pastor increases his leadership ability the church would grow along with him. John Maxwell calls it, “The Law of the Lid”. So, look over the list and consider buying the ones you have not read. As someone said, “Leaders are readers”.
- The Millennials – Thom & Jess Rainer
- Developing the Leeader within you – John Maxwell
- Effective Evangelistic Churches – Thom Rainer
- Church of Irresistible Influence – Robert Lewis
- Liquid Leadership – Brad Szolluse
- How Did they Do it? The Story of Southern Baptist Evangelism – Chuck Kelley
- How to Build an Evangelistic Church – John Bisagno
- IT – Craig Groeschel
- Sunday School that Really Works – Steve Parr
- Mobilizing a Great Commission Church for Harvest – Thomas Johnston
* One or more leadership books may be secular in content but provide excellent insight for effective leadership
We want to hear from you! Leave your comment below and let us know what books have influenced and helped you in the area of evangelism and church growth.