Comprehensive Evangelism Strategy – Seminar
Customizing a Comprehensive Evangelism Strategy
Description: Does your congregation need a boost in evangelism? Attend this seminar and discover a plan to develop and implement a strategy that will enhance your evangelistic effectiveness.
To ensure the best participation for each of our seminars the evangelism team has developed the following seminar policy. This policy allows each association, church, pastor, lay person, and evangelism team member to benefit from each seminar that is presented.
We ask that the following groups be registered for the seminars pastors, staff, and key leaders for a 90 minute presentation. Seminars should be scheduled Monday – Thursday during office hours or Monday, Tuesday, or Thursday, evenings from 7 – 8:30 p.m.
Expected Attendance is a minimum of six pastors committed to attend. Host church to provide at least ten participants. No maximum. Pastors are encouraged to bring staff and key leaders.
Scheduling – Selected dates must be submitted to the Evangelism ministries 60 days in advance and are subject to the Evangelism office calendars.
Promotion – We ask that the Association leadership promote fully including at least one mail out, one email, and one personal contact with each pastor inviting and encouraging his participation.
Evangelism ministries will help you to promote the seminar event in the following ways – applicable social media, letters to association pastors, and email. Six pastors should be enlisted at the outset of the planning phrase.
Setting/Location should be in the Fellowship Hall or a large room to best create a seminar style setting. Tables for participants as well as a table and screen or wall for projection of a PowerPoint presentation should be made available. Wi-fi or Internet connection would be beneficial and in some cases needed for the seminar.
Meals – If a meal is provided the evangelism team requests that it be at 5:30 p.m, no later than 6:00 p.m. The association would need to determine how to cover the cost of the meal expense. Meals are not required for this event.