Webinar: 3 Simple Steps To Make Inviting To Church Simple Strategies to Mobilize Your Church Members To Become Perpetual Inviters (Replay)
Resources Jason offered access to his slides and we are providing them for you. Click Here
Resources Jason offered access to his slides and we are providing them for you. Click Here
Part 1 (Part 2 is Scheduled!)
Lee Taylor of Johnson Ferry Baptist Church shares a super practical approach to beginning gospel conversations: “care enough for prayer.” This training is designed to equip you, the church leader, to train your people in personal evangelism. Enjoy this replay of our live webinar training.
Live Training Replay Resources Has given us a complete resource site sermons, printables, and everything you need to watch this in your church. NoSweatDiscipleship.com Powerpoint Presentations This zip file contains the main presentation as well as supplementary presentation materials. Powerpoint Package (.zip)