[Case Study] Social Media Promotion of Easter | Trinity Baptist Church
Pastor Robby Brown and Trinity Baptist Church are following the Ultimate Blueprint For Promoting Easter Using Social Media we teach for promoting Easter — and doing a GREAT job with it.
Here’s a video overview and my take.
Here’s the email copy that they sent out. [Google Doc copy]
- Act like Easter services are a big deal. They are.
- Create clear promotional tools (like a dedicated web page) for your members to utilize and instructions on exactly how to use them.
- Be specific in your email. Tell your members exactly how to promote. Include the links you want them to share.
My extra suggestions:
- Don’t feel you have to do a full fledged video edit. Done is better than perfect. Just get it out there.
- Give them one thing to do, not three. If you’re suggesting using their Facebook status updates, give them the actual cut-and-paste text you want them to use, and of course, always include the link to your page.
- Include the contents of your email in your Sunday bulletin for several weeks leading up to the event you’re promoting. Maybe Trinity did this. I didn’t ask.